Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Black Male Offenders Must Be A System Of Social Control

Getting on When Getting Out Getting on with life after getting out of prison shouldn’t be as difficult as society and the government make it. By labeling someone a criminal the stigma that follows them will continue for the rest of their lives. There is discrimination with employment, housing and under federal law, people convicted of drug felonies are deemed ineligible for food stamps. The penal system appears to be a system of social control rather than a system of crime prevention. â€Å"Many of Wisconsin s Black Male Offenders Go Back to Prison, Struggle to Stay Out† is an article about the black men in prison and how Larry Jackson’s first run in with the law placed him in a juvenile center when he was only nine years old. For 20 years he has been in and out of prison, this paper will attempt to apply theories on why it is so difficult for young men to stay out of prison. â€Å"The United States has the highest incarceration in the world, with only 5% o f the world’s population it also contains 25% of the world’s prison population (Explains)†. According to an article in Ebony Magazine, one in three black men can expect to go to prison at some time in their lives, that would relate to the conflict theory, the overrepresentation of racial minorities in the criminal justice system. The conflict theorist believes the criminal justice system reflects the unequal distribution of power in society. Would it be considered normal if that amount of white men were incarcerated?Show MoreRelatedAfrican Americans During The Civil War Essay1319 Words   |  6 PagesDisparities of race, class, gender, and age have produced extraordinary rates of incarceration among young African American men with little schooling. 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